Round 8
It is day 7 since the start of my period and 5 days into stimulation. I went for a blood test and scan today. This scan and blood test is always the one I dread the most as i have come to learn that it is the one that tells me if things look like they might work or not.
I have been a picture of health all week, walking a lot, getting 8 hours of sleep a night and eating Egyptian sweet potatoes, protein and drinking loads of sage tea! Who knows if any of that has helped or not but Dr.Greg was really pleased with my blood results and scan. My estradiol was up to 213pg/ml which I have learnt is a good sign it means the follicles are growing and sure enough the scan showed one follicle on my right ovary 10mm in size and three on my left all 14mm in size.
“Something is definitely happening… Things are looking the best yet.” -Dr. Greg
The tendency here is to get too excited as I have done in the past but this round really does feel different and I have a good feeling about it. If I got 4 eggs in one go then I would have reached a total of 10 which was my initial start point. I’m so close now I can literally see it, but I can’t get too excited. I know I still have a lot of hurdles, they may not grow, I may ovulate early, there may be no eggs only empty follicles or they may not be mature and these are only the things that could go wrong that i know about as they have happened to me before. I am going to take things day by day and just see what happens.
Still planning to do the dual stimulation this time around if after the egg collection things look ok. Dr.Greg has told me that I have to take a different trigger shot and then after collection I wait that day and then two additional days and then I start 225 IU Gonal F for 5 days and then go back and see him for a scan and bloods to see if it is working. If things all go well I could be done with egg freezing by the end of August.
So as I sit here at 2am waiting to board my usual flight to the uk with a stash of stimulation medication in a cooler bag in my hand luggage that I have to administer mid flight, for the first time I am excited to be going home to spend time with my family and finally see glimmer of a happy ending. I know I have a long way to go as the freezing of the eggs is just the beginning, but it’s a long way from where I was 16 months ago when I was told it was too late.
I have everything crossed and may even say my prayers tonight. 😉