Eggceeding Eggspectations

Round 10

This could quite possibly be the first time on my egg freezing journey where things have gone better than expected!  There are times when you think if all goes really well then you may mange to get one egg from each follicle visible during the scans in the lead up to collection and if things continue to go really really well then each egg will be mature and can be frozen. Although it is difficult to avoid I have really tried not to even allow myself to think about how things ‘going well’ might look like, so scared of that soul destroying devastation that I know only too well when follicles are empty or eggs aren’t mature.

Today for the first time on my journey things have gone even better than I could ever have expected! Maybe it has something to do with me continually trying to manage my expectations throughout the process, or maybe it was just time for me to have some good news!

Collection time

Collection was this morning (14 days after stimulation had started), this was the longest period of stimulation I have had and clearly that seemed to be a good things as results were better than expected.

Throughout stimulation there has been two follicles visible one on my left ovary and one on my right then about 6 days into stimulation another follicle popped up on my right ovary but it was small and thus always playing catch up.  I had a scan when I reach the UK on Friday 7 October and there seemed to be only two follicles visible one which was 18mm and one which was 16mm so going into today’s collection I had thought that the best case scenario would be to collect two mature eggs that could be frozen.

I had a scan just before the anaesthesiologist put me out (a request I always have just to make sure I have not already ovulated and thus are put out for no reason) and eventually after a look of searching Dr. Collection (my UK doctor) managed to see the two follicles, so again I was just hoping that at absolute best these two follicles might contain eggs, be mature and could be frozen.

Dream or reality?

So coming round in the recovery room to be told they had collected three eggs was a shock.  After 30 minutes I actually thought that maybe I had dreamt that so asked the nurse again, ‘did you say you collected three?’ and the answer was yes.

I couldn’t be fully happy yet because the next part, the part that usually takes 4-5 hours to see if the eggs are mature and can be frozen, often leads to disappointment when you are told that the quality isn’t good or they aren’t mature and therefore they can’t be frozen.

One hour after the procedure I was allowed to leave the clinic but before I do the embryologist wanted to see me.  In the past this has not been a good sign but she had a beaming smile on her face.  She took me into a private room and told me that the three eggs they had collected were excellent quality and they were already mature and would all be frozen within the hour.  She also told me that she was going to freeze these three eggs together because when I came to use them she recommended using all of these three in one go (not that i’ve got to the ‘using’ part yet but I believe you usually use 3 or 4 at one time hence why you really need to have quite a few frozen).

Ecstatic doesn’t describe it

If you have read my blog from start to finish then I needn’t try and explain just how happy I was and still am to hear this news.  Not only do I have another three eggs frozen, but they are good quality and I have now reached my 10, no….. I have now exceeded my 10 number!  I now have 12 frozen eggs!  My sister picked me up from the clinic and I wanted to burst into tears.  This journey has been long and it has been hard and this time last year I had been told there was no hope at all.  I had had three failed rounds with no eggs and never in a million years did I think I would be a year on with 12 eggs frozen.

Am I done?

So, is that it for the freezing of the eggs for me?  Many would tell me I should be done, but as I have always been an overachiever then I am going to say not quite.

Prior to this round I purchased a three round package with my UK clinic.  They haven’t offered packages since they have changed ownership, but typically now they are offering packages of three rounds!  Before I had my collection done I decided to sign up for the three round package, this round being the first of the three, so I have two left.   Two more rounds and then that is it.  However many eggs I get during the next two rounds that will be the end for me and then I will truly be able to say I did everything I could and if nothing else I will have a minimum of 12 frozen eggs which a year ago I don’t think any doctor thought was possible, it was a good job I did!

Knowledge is Power

Round 10

One of the main reasons we all choose a certain healthcare facility is because of a particular doctor…. right? Maybe it’s their medical experience or their bedside manner or maybe its because someone has referred them to us, whatever it is we pick a doctor, we rarely a facility.

I chose my UK doctor solely because of the referral from my UAE doctor.  The facility was completely unknown to me and hadn’t been recommended by anyone.  I had noticed that my UK doctor had worked at a couple of well known places before his current facility which filled me with reassurance but ultimately my decision to go with my UK doctor came down to a decision about him and not the facility.

It is because of this that I find myself increasingly frustrated that the UK clinic I attend failed to tell me that it had been sold until a few months ago I had a problem with my billing and the sale came out in the discussion and why they still haven’t told me (although I know through my UAE doctor as he is a friend of my UK doctor) that my UK doctor is actually leaving the clinic.

Dr Who?

My collection in Round 9 was not done by my doctor. I only found this out AFTER the procedure when my doctor wasn’t around and today I visited the UK clinic for my day 11 scan expecting to see my regular doctor who was the one I had been emailing with my results while in the UAE and who I had a 10:30 appointment with and I found another doctor in his place.

The new doctor was lovely, but she wasn’t the person I chose and the person who has been working with me over the past 16 months.  The person who knows my body and how it reacts to certain medication.  She wasn’t who I had paid over 16,000 AED (£3,250) to see.

When I asked why the change I was told my doctor would definitely review my results and he would most definitely do the collection but that he was trying to take a step back from seeing patients as he was getting close to retirement stage!

Obviously if I thought that to be true I would fully understand (albeit it might have been nice having been informed formally of this rather than to stumble into it so I could make an informed decision on if I would like to stay at this clinic and see one of the new doctors or change clinics), but I have heard that my UK doctor, who was the owner of my UK clinic, has sold up and is moving to take up a position in Dubai of all places!

I understand people move on and I understand that my body is currently pulsating with a cocktail of different hormones so I am not thinking completely rationally, but I chose this facility for one reason…. the doctor and being a long standing patient of theirs it would have been nice to have been informed of his move, ahead of treatment!

Own it

I fear this lack of transparency is all too common with private healthcare facilities.  In a buy out they are so desperate to maintain a profitable business that this takes priority over being transparent and allowing a patient to make an informed decision on if they want to remain with a certain clinic or not.

This lack of transparency and harsh reality that profitability is the number one driver for clinics like these makes it evident just how important it is for you, the person that knows your own body better than anyone else, to take an active role in any medical treatment you receive.  Own it, ask questions, challenge what doesn’t feel right, understand what is happening to your body because there may come a time when you are the only person who knows your history as well as you do and this is where I am at right now.

For example:

I know that it is usually 14 days from the start of my period that collection is done.

I know that it is usually 7 days after the start of stimulation that I start to feel extremely tired and emotional.

I know that I need to take x2 cetrotides after 8 days of stimulation and I know roundly what my blood work should look like after a blood test during stimulation.

A little bit of advice

You may think that after 10 rounds of this I should know this stuff but it is amazing just how resistant my UK clinic is to share certain information with me including blood test results. I have to ask time and time again to be sent the actual results.  They will share what medication I should be taking once they see the results but never share the actual test results with me unless I ask.

My UAE clinic is different.  They are much more open to me wanting to self educate and understand the process.  I’m not sure why the UK clinic is so resistant.  Maybe most patients who only go through one or two rounds aren’t as involved or interested or maybe the clinic want to ‘own’ the process so they can control you as a patient…???? I don’t know but one piece of advise I would give to all of you out there who ever have to go through this or something similar is, you never know when you start something just how it will turn out.  I never thought when I started that I would be 16 months on and on Round 10! So take some time to understand what is going on.  This is your right and it will help you on your journey, if nothing else it will help you feel like ‘You’ve got this’…. and you have!

Double Digits

Round 10

I never thought I would be here at ‘Round 10’ to be honest, but then I never thought i’d need to freeze my eggs either!  It surprising how things work out so differently than we think they will.

I am day 6 of Round 10.  I had my initial scan on Tuesday (day 3 of my period) and there were two follicles showing. One on the left ovary and one on the right.  I have been taking the usual cocktail of medication over the past 6 days Femara twice a day, 225 Gonal F and then I started the Cetrotide (the injection to stop you ovulating) on the morning of day 5 (Saturday morning).  This time I decided to carry on doing the exercise I enjoy, trying not to put my life on hold too much as i go through another round.  I want to start feeling good about myself again and whilst I am slightly bound by the hormones i am pumping into my body each day I think it is important to do some of the other things that make me feel me.

So tomorrow I head to my clinic in the UAE for a blood test in the morning and then at lunch time I head to see Dr. Greg to have a scan and get the blood results.  Everything is crossed but my expectations are managed.  I haven’t booked a flight home yet as I am just going to wait and see how tomorrow goes.

It would be wonderful to finish this week with two more good eggs in the bank.