Double Digits

Round 10

I never thought I would be here at ‘Round 10’ to be honest, but then I never thought i’d need to freeze my eggs either!  It surprising how things work out so differently than we think they will.

I am day 6 of Round 10.  I had my initial scan on Tuesday (day 3 of my period) and there were two follicles showing. One on the left ovary and one on the right.  I have been taking the usual cocktail of medication over the past 6 days Femara twice a day, 225 Gonal F and then I started the Cetrotide (the injection to stop you ovulating) on the morning of day 5 (Saturday morning).  This time I decided to carry on doing the exercise I enjoy, trying not to put my life on hold too much as i go through another round.  I want to start feeling good about myself again and whilst I am slightly bound by the hormones i am pumping into my body each day I think it is important to do some of the other things that make me feel me.

So tomorrow I head to my clinic in the UAE for a blood test in the morning and then at lunch time I head to see Dr. Greg to have a scan and get the blood results.  Everything is crossed but my expectations are managed.  I haven’t booked a flight home yet as I am just going to wait and see how tomorrow goes.

It would be wonderful to finish this week with two more good eggs in the bank.