The only egg this Christmas is in my eggnog!

Round 12

Round 12 ended in the only eggs i’ll be seeing this Christmas being in my eggnog!  Sadly by the time collection was scheduled i had already ovulated.  I won’t go to much into the ins and outs of it all, but only to say that I believe due to a lack of continuity in care from my UK clinic and seeing two different UK doctors during this round neither of which really knew me, i ended up being in a position that I wasn’t able to see if i would have collected an egg this round.

I believe i should have been put on two cetrotide’s and monitored daily when my follicle was 15mm (Friday 16 December) but instead the doctor said ‘come back Monday’.  That was three days of not being scanned and only being on one cetrotide which i did question but was told ‘it’s fine, we will scan you again on Monday’.  After a scan and bloods on Monday it was evident that i had already started ovulating and thus the only option was a collection just 12 hours later on the Tuesday.  It was unclear from the doctor if they had ever collected mature eggs from a patient who had only had the ‘trigger shot’ in their system for 12 hours and not the usual 34-36 hours but having taken stimulation injections for 16 days i wanted to at least try and collect the one egg.

On collection day (Tuesday 20 December) i asked to be scanned prior to being put out for collection and the scan showed that i had already ovulated.  This was obviously devastating and being so close to Christmas made it even harder to digest.  All i really wanted this Christmas was to collect an egg or two but it appears that was not to be this year and so i went into the festive season with a fake smile on my face so i could just make it through.  Thankfully my sister was there to pick me up off the floor and take me for a large glass of mulled wine!

I have decided to take a little time off, let my body have a bit of a break over New Year and just see what 2017 has in store for me.  I still have two rounds of egg freezing paid for which I intend on doing but maybe after a month or two break.  Rebuild my positive outlook and got back into my exercise regime to loose some of the egg freezing and xmas pounds i seem to have put on!

So as I go into a new year with the hope that i still have some eggs left to collect and that I might be able to get another 5 eggs to add to the 12 already collected.  I hope 2017 will be the final step in my egg freezing journey for a while.