My Christmas Wish Came True

For those of you that have followed my story you will know that last Christmas I had a pretty devastating experience with one of my rounds and it certainly wasn’t “eggnog” I was having for Christmas that year.

I am one year on and haven’t had much success in collecting any eggs in a while, infact I was starting to think that it was time to give up and just be greatful for the eggs I have managed to freeze (15). I do now, however, have the benefit of a new clinic so I was hopeful that I might beable to get one or two more.

Having signed up for a three round package with this new clinic and telling myself it is three more no matter what the outcome. Three more tries to reach 20 then enough. Enough because it has taken such a toll on my body and immune system, enough because my bank balance has really taken a hit and enough because I am likely leaving the UAE mid next year and so it’s time for a new chapter in my life, a chapter beyond injections and last minute flights to the UK.

I had my collection scheduled in the UK with my new clinic on Wednesday 13 December. There were 2 follicles showing when I flew to the UK so I was hopefull I would be able to collect one, maybe two eggs, but I was also realistic about the fact that I may ovulate early or that there maybe no eggs which has happened in previous rounds. I didn’t want to get my hopes up.

The day before collection I had a scan with a lovely doctor at my new UK clinic and she told me there were infact three follicles and whilst one was very small she was hopeful of at lest two eggs.

Well…. when they collected three eggs the next morning I almost fell off my hospital bed. I then had to wait an hour for them to tell me if they were mature and could be frozen. That hour felt like days of waiting and I honestly didn’t expect them to tell me that all three were mature and could be frozen.

When hearing this news my eyes filled with tears and I couldn’t help but cry with joy. I don’t think this clinic quite knew what this meant to me but my sister who picked me up sure did. We both sat in the car and cried, I actually don’t remember the last time I felt that elated. Despite being still pretty drugged up and having stomach cramps it finally felt like it was worth while and I was so close to the end of the first chapter of my “trying to preserve my fertility” journey. A journey that just 18 months ago I had been told there was no point in even trying.

So I go into 2018 with 18 eggs frozen and two more rounds left to go. I want to do both rounds as I have paid for them and if I reach 20 (my goal) then anything beyond that is a bonus.

Its eggnog all round this Christmas and I go into 2018 feeling very positive that good things are around the corner for me.