Round 21
For the last few months I have been hunting for a new clinic. Criteria were simple, a clinic that would be prepared to work with my doctor in the UAE and a clinic that was flexible and treated me like a patient not a business transaction.
This should be an easy task but I assure you it hasn’t been! this seems to be a trend on this journey!
I approached three clinics, all London based and maybe I should have been looking at success rates and patient testimonials but all I was really looking for was flexibility.
The first clinic wouldn’t tell me if they were even prepared to work with me across boarders without first having a £300 consultation over Skype! They were rude, inflexible and so I walked away from them quick smart. The second clinic, one that I really liked the look of online as they seem to work with older patients and have some slightly less traditional approaches to egg freezing, they were really nice but told me that unfortunately I would have to be UK based in order to have treatement with them, they were crossed off the list.
The third clinic was actually the one I though was going to be the least helpful and they were completely the opposite. They told me they would be open to working with me and my UAE doctor and that they were doing half price consultations at that time for £90.
I had a Skype consult with a very nice doctor from this clinic and then things moved quickly from there. So far they have been very efficient and flexible and it made me wonder why I didn’t switch clinics a long time ago!
It is obviously still early days but I am hopeful that they will help me get the last few eggs i so desperately want to reach the 20 i promised myself.