I am a 45 year old single British female living in the Middle East. In 2008 I was offered an exciting opportunity to move to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for a two year contract. Eight years on and I am still here!
I feel very privileged to be able to call the UAE home. I have a good life, great friends, an exciting well paid job with a well established company. The only things that are missing in my life are Mr Right and motherhood.
I know Mr Right and motherhood no longer traditionally have to go hand in hand and that being a mother can come in many different forms nowadays, but I had always imagined (as I think so many of us do) that I would meet Mr Right, get pregnant, carry our biological child and be a mother this way one day.
Well ‘one day’ didn’t come quite as soon as I had hoped, so on my 40th birthday, with a little nudge from my older sister, I started to look into freezing my eggs and so my journey began…..
I am telling my story in the hope that it will help others navigate the seemingly uncharted waters that I have faced in my egg freezing journey to date.