Round 18

The Facts….

Wednesday 12 July 2017 Day 1 of period
visit Dr Gregg for scan
all looks good to start
start stimulation
2pm 50mg clomid
9:00pm 50mg clomid
Thursday 13 July 2017 Day 2 of period
7am 50mg climid
9:00pm 150IU Gonal F
50mg clomid
Friday 14 July 2017 Day 3 of period
7am 50mg climid
9:00pm 150IU Gonal F
50mg clomid
Saturday 15 July 2017 7am 50mg clomid
9:00pm 150IU Gonal F
50mg clomid
Sunday 16 July 2017 7am 50mg clomid
9:00pm 150IU Gonal F
50mg clomid
Monday 17 July 2017 9:00pm 150IU Gonal F
Tuesday 18 July 2017 visit Dr Gregg for scan & bloods
1 follicle on right 9mm & 1 smaller follicle on left
Estradiol – 35.57 pg/ml
LH 19.97mlU/ml
Progesterone 0.23 ng/ml
9:00pm 225 menopur
Wednesday 19 July 2017 9:00pm 225 menopur
Thursday 20 July 2017 visit Dr Gregg for scan
follicles not growing
cycle cancelled 

RESULT – No eggs collected and frozen

The Emotions….

Beginning to wonder if i should just be happy with the number of eggs I have and  call it quits as I haven’t had a successful round since February this year and so maybe I am getting too old for this?

If i hadn’t already paid for one more collection in the UK I think I would have stopped by now, I just so want to use the last round I have already paid for.  I do think that If I don’ have any success in the next couple of rounds I will just be happy with the 15 eggs I have got and try and move on. Starting a round like this where i have to cancel mid way in is just a reminder that I really should have done this in my mid 30s.